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Virtual CBT for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


People with ADHD are known to have higher levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. It is important to note that if we see these elements in our clients, it does not always mean that they have ADHD, but that is something that counselors, therapists, and psychotherapists rule out with the help of a psychologist, psychiatrist, and/or medical doctor.


Psychologists can test for ADHD and give more concrete, empirical information to help in diagnosing ADHD.  A psychiatrist is a specialized medical doctor who can also help in this regard. We also have seen clients come to us who have an ADHD diagnosis from the primary care doctor. If there are questions about your diagnosis when we meet you, we might refer out for an evaluation to confirm that ADHD is the actual presenting concern.


Nevertheless, we are empathetic to our clients who find living with ADHD and its symptoms to be difficult. ADHD is often diagnosed in childhood and adolescence, but we have been seeing more adults be diagnosed later on in life.


For children, it is not always the parents that first notice the concern. Sometimes, it is the teachers who point out to parents about how possible symptoms are impacting academic performance. For adults, many come to sessions with complaints about issues focusing, completing tasks, performance evaluation concerns, etc. They often reflect back into their childhood and state that they have had these issues for a long time, but they just learned to live with it. When they further reflect, they may mention how symptoms caused a lot of issues and stress.


In the past, medication was one of the first lines of treatments, if not only treatment, for ADHD. However, we often say that medication alone cannot manage the concern. Some of our clients use medication prescribed by their primary care doctor or psychiatrist to help them manage symptoms, but we also have clients, who do not need medication to help them navigate day-to-day life.


At OVAC Therapy, we work on techniques such as virtual CBT for ADHDto help you manage symptoms of ADHD and also can work in tandem with your chosen prescriber to see how the medication is working with you. With your permission, we consult and coordinate care with your prescriber, but it is important to note that OVAC Therapy does not prescribe medication.


You may be wondering how does telehealth work with treating ADHD. Perhaps, you may think that it might be hard. Children, in particular, can spend a lot of time in front of the screen, so we can understand why parents may be hesitant. Being on the computer can be very distracting, especially for someone who struggles with symptoms of ADHD. However, at the same time, it can be utilized by clinicians to challenge some of those symptoms in real time. In addition, some children may be excited to use the computer, but at least, it will be in a purposeful way.


The three main factors of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. They are demonstrated through symptoms such as: difficulty sustaining attention, organizing tasks, following through on instructions, and completing activities, excessive fidgeting, restlessness, difficulty remaining seated or quiet, hasty actions, difficulty waiting for one’s turn, and interruptions in conversations or activities. We share these symptoms not for the purpose of self-diagnosis. We understand that our clients want to know why they may be behaving or struggling in a certain way. Nevertheless, knowing these symptoms in terms of how we operate in our practice at OVAC Therapy provides hope that there are strategies and skills to manage symptoms effect on your life.


There are many approaches that OVAC therapists may use to assist you. Some are: cognitive restructuring, behavioral activation, time management skills, impulse control techniques, skill-building exercises, and mindfulness and relaxation amongst others. There is no one size fits all approach. Our clinicians tailor your therapy sessions to the unique person that you are. We suggest that you try and practice these techniques knowing that they may not bring immediate results, but if at the end of the day, they do not work for you, then they do not work for you. We regroup, discuss what is and not working, and try the next thing. We encourage our clients to keep trying and know that even if something does not work for you, it still does provide valuable information as to what might work for you.


In Summary


OVAC Therapy uses different treatment modalities and approaches to help you manage ADHD. For example, online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for ADHD represents a valuable and innovative approach to managing the challenges associated with ADHD. By adapting the principles and techniques of traditional CBT to a digital format, online therapy offers increased accessibility, flexibility, and engagement. While online CBT for ADHD presents unique benefits, such as enhanced privacy and reduced stigma, it also requires careful consideration of factors such as technology, privacy, and self-motivation. With the right platform and approach, online therapy can empower individuals with ADHD to develop effective coping strategies, improve organizational skills, and achieve greater overall well-being. 


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