Therapy for Teens
Supportive Online CBT for Teens and Adolescents
CBT is only one of many treatment modalities that we use to support teens. It, by itself, is a structured, goal-oriented form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. For teens, CBT is adapted to address their developmental stage and unique challenges.
As mentioned before, adolescence is a difficult stage of life. There is a new recognition of self and the emergence of more independence, academic and athletic pressures, and the value of peer associations. Although the big “Who am I?” question looms over us throughout our lifetime, it appears front and center in our teenage years. We notice that teens try to understand themselves through their peer relationships and now social media.
However, with modern advances in technology, there seems to be a never-ending means for teens to bully and harass one another. Comparison to others via social media platforms also becomes so much easier and even more detrimental. To be clear, the Internet can be used for good; hence, why OVAC Therapy solely provides telehealth, but teens cannot always avoid or discern the dangers it may present.

We have all been teens before and each generation reflects back and says, “Itwas easier back then” and others may say, “Itwas harder back then.” OVAC therapists meet teens here in the present in a nonjudgmental environment. Many of our teens state that they feel misunderstood or judged and we tell them from the very beginning that we are not here to do that.
In fact, we will have conversations with their parents about confidentiality and boundaries. We let our teens know when confidentiality has to be broken. It is by law, but more importantly, it is about safety. The most recent generations have experienced high numbers of suicidal ideation or attempts, cutting (self-mutilation), substance use, impulsivity, risky sexual behaviors, and other concerns fortheir health and safety. Our online CBT for teens programs helps to discover how those behaviors are functioning in their livesand how they can feel empowered to do something about it.
If our teens want and if it is appropriate, parents may participate in some sessions. If the parent-teen relationship needs more attention, they may be referred for family therapy, if that is appropriate. Trust is a huge factor and we want to gently remind the parents that the teens are our clients, not the parents. Parents can contact the teen’s OVAC therapist with concerns and the OVAC therapist will let the teen know that there was a communication with their parent.
However, the clinician will not divulge information to the parent unless it is a safety concern. When safety concerns come up in the session, the clinician will let the client know that they have to break confidentiality. We do not want to betray our teen clients’ trust, but we must keep them safe when they opt for our online CBT for teens program.
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