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CBT for Depression
















How often have you felt depressed or have heard someone else say that they are depressed? How many times have you heard someone minimize those statements? Depression is more than sadness. It is very serious condition, especially when it remains unaddressed. Sometimes, in therapy, we differentiate between little depression (with a lower case "d") and what may be Major Depression. At Of Vineyards and Canopies Therapy Services PLLC (OVAC Therapy), we help our clients develop effective coping skills and techniques to help our clients manage depression before it becomes debilitating. If it is already debilitating to the point where you are not eating, not going to work, experiencing suicidal ideation, etc., telehealth may not be the best option for you. Our job is to do right by you, so that may mean referring you to the right help that you need to be safe. In the most severe cases, in person is the best option and unfortunately, OVAC Therapy is telehealth only. Nevertheless, if we meet with you for a consult, we will assess for your safety. Again, we take that very seriously. You deserve to be and feel safe.


OVAC Therapy offers online CBT for depression, but we also use other treatment modalities depending on the situation and circumstances of the individual client. We provide psychotherapy on what depression is and how it affects the individual, so that our clients get a better idea of what depression entails. Some common symptoms of depression are: ​


  • Persistent low mood or sadness

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed

  • Changes in appetite or weight

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Fatigue or loss of energy

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt

  • Suicidal thoughts or behaviors


Virtual Depression Therapy at OVAC Therapy


We do not expect our clients to overcome depression in one night. It is a process and just know that sometimes, people move forward, but they also have setbacks. The most important thing is to try and build some resilience with the help of some cognitive restructuring so that pervasive negative thoughts do not fuel the sense of hopelessness and/or helplessness in you.


It is so important that you recognize the work that you are doing to fight symptoms of depression. It is not easy to reframe your negative core beliefs and self-concept that you most likely have been experiencing over time. We know that it is not the most comforting thing to hear that it takes work, especially when you are already exhausted, but we have to be honest with you. The work that you put inside and outside of the session is all yours. No one, even us, can claim your progress, success, and improvement. After all, you have done all of the work.


You may wonder about how online therapy works for someone who is struggling with depression and does not have the motivation to do anything. It is a very important thought. The most important thing is getting to one appointment at a time. We cannot minimize the efforts that you are taking to even do therapy, so one step at a time is something and depending on where you are at in your addressing your condition, each step you make is considered monumental at OVAC Therapy.


We cannot underestimate the power of a thought or words that we have been recipients of. "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me" is probably a saying you have heard many times before. We know that words do hurt, and they can deeply hurt.


When we use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) depression therapy, for example, we want to identify those words that govern our emotions and our actions. Make no mistake, words can imprison a person and breaking free from them and the thoughts that they form can be a daunting task.


OVAC therapists continue to get training and understanding of today's most up-to-date and effective approaches that may support you in this endeavor. However, there is treatment-resistant depression, which may require more specialized care and again, that is something we are careful to watch for.


Reach out to learn more about online CBT for depression.




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Reach out to us if you have any questions on how to start with us. We are happy to begin our journey with you!


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